Evolution in the 21st Century
Personal & Professional Development Programs Enlightened Leadership & Executive Coaching Social Media & Management Consulting - Innovative Software Development Wellness & Well-Being Spa Feng Shui Spirituality & Personal Transformation Love & Relationships Fundraisers & Community Building Arts & Entertainment Sustainable Real Estate Development
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Clients are like friends & family. You want to develop those relationships over a lifetime. At AXIS MAGNA GROUP, we enter every relationship as a life-long investment of trust & respect, dedicated to serving our clients to their optimum satisfaction & well-being. With her extensive background, it's no surprise that Teresa Ann Foxworthy has over 5000 friends on Facebook and counting. She also has almost 500 contacts on LinkedIn, known for its selectivity, and a few thousand on her various Twitter pages. Here we'll list our clients & their testimonials.
AXIS MAGNA GROUP, under the direction of Ms. Foxworthy, has provided Personal & Professional Development services to executives at the following companies:
California Music Studios
Cincinnati P.R.
North County San Diego
Cosmetic Surgery of San Diego
Credit Suisse of Zurich
Encinitas Chiropractic
Encinitas Family Counseling Center
Encinitas Sound Healers
Fitness For Living
Georgia Institute for Metaphysical Studies
Great Expectations
Guide Dogs for the Blind
Hewlett Packard
Hollywood Wedding Advisors
International Microcomputer Software
JoJo Arts
Laguna Nutriceuticals
Leadership Strategies
Lucas Valley Physical Therapy
Marin Alternative Energy
Resources Napa Library Services
Napa State Hospital
National Facilitators DataBase
Nature Stone Suppliers
North San Diego Pharmacy
Novato Medical Administrative Services
Ontario Legal Services
Oracle Science
Palo Alto Technical Staffing
Planned Parenthood
Randolph Berkeley
RC Land Development
Red Hill Travel Company
Renaissance Jewelers
San Anselmo Watsu Therapy
San Rafael Family Therapy
Simplicity Newsletter of Seattle
Smith Barney
Sonoma County Wine Distributors
Sun Microsystems
Tamalpais Pain Clinic
Tarpan Studios
UC San Diego
Vaning B&B
Washington State Department of Education
Wells Fargo Mortgage Services
"Very professional and insightful! We look forward to having you back for more."
KW, Lead Designer, Sun Microsystems, Redwood City, CA
"Thanks to your insightful program, I have reached my goals in spirituality and am enjoying a quality of life that I never thought I could. It has made a huge impact in my love relationship."
PS, Branch Manager, Credit Suisse, Zurich, Switzerland
"Teresa, its only been six months working with you, and I am engaged to be married! I could never have done this without your insight and support. You are amazing. The invitation to our wedding will be arriving soon, I want you to be there."
SH, Psychiatrist, Napa, CA
"Teresa, you did the work that other psychologists and marriage counselors have failed to do for the past eight years. I now have a completely different understanding of my ex-wife, and this is helping my relationship with her, as well as our children. I cant wait for you to help others like you have helped me. Men need this work."
WS, VP Marketing, Hewlett-Packard, Palo Alto, CA
"You articulated the problems we're dealing with and gave insight into their solutions, yet we'd never met you before!"
GR, Architect, San Francisco, CA
"Teresa is not licensed, but I feel she's the best therapist I've ever worked with. As a therapist myself, for the past 25 years, I am very impressed with her grasp of human nature and personal transformation techniques. I've reached a new level of self-awareness with her help and recognize a much deeper potential for my life."
Mikial, Therapist, San Diego
"Teresa, your consultation was so professional. The report you submitted was a book in itself. I now have a veritable reference manual for my medical office. My staff enjoys the improvements that you suggested. You know so much, you have so much to offer, I hope that more and more people learn about your talents and benefit from them."
SC, Director, Tamalpais Pain Clinic, Corte Madera, CA
"You've taught me more than I can say. Your elegant manner doesn't prevent you from being direct and on target. You are patient, and yet apply the right amount of pressure to keep the ball moving forward. It's been a pleasure working with you."
LS, Systems Engineer, Alere, Tiburon, California
"You spoke exactly to my issues and led me through a fun and yet powerful process to a place where I can clearly and elegantly reclaim my truth, power, beauty and dignity."
ME, Marriage, Family Therapist, San Rafael, CA
"Teresa, in one afternoon, you pulled me through a slump and got me back on top of my game! Thank you for your insight and support. You are impressive. I definitely recommend your professional services."
TL, CEO,, London, UK
"I was completely at a stand-still and you used interesting techniques that quickly shifted things for me. I was amazed at the results. As the weeks go by, I have a clearer picture of what I am really working on to achieve my goals."
MT, PhD., Pharmaceutical Researcher, Redwood City, CA
"You have the energy of twenty coaches and the insight of a hundred. You've got the bull by the horns! Thank you for all the gems you've shared."
NC, Retired Teacher, Baltimore, MD
"We were losing thousands and you pointed out simple remedies that were as elegant as they were effective."
C & ML, Alternative Energy Researchers, Greenbrae, CA
"The reading you did for my daughter was fabulous. I just put a check in the mail for you to do me now! You are really gifted."
LB, Minister, Tampa, FL
"I couldn't believe after all these years that you were able to help me clear those blocks! It's been months, and I still feel great."
MM, Homemaker, Sacramento, CA
"You're really, really good at what you do. After eight months of working with you, I have a completely new understanding of relationships and how to pursue them. With this new perspective, I am re-organizing my life. Your presence is powerful and soothing, your voice is calming. The open format allowed me the safety to open up and get help for these issues. Now that I've vented decades of repressed feelings, my goal achievement process is a breeze."
RC, Land Developer, Petaluma, CA
Contact us to find out how AXIS MAGNA GROUP may serve you & your people to gracefully move forward into the 21st Century, personally & professionally. Our emphasis on global sustainability keeps us close to the leading edge of conscious innovation and community-building. Now is the time to create your own destination! We're here to serve your vision of Evolution in the 21st Century! Whatever that means for you, we've got resources for your journey! The world needs your brilliance. Do you like how you are sharing yours?
Contact us to schedule your appointment!
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c 1992-2011 Teresa Ann Foxworthy. All rights reserved. Fax: 415.289.2213