Evolution in the 21st Century
Personal & Professional Development Programs – Enlightened Leadership & Executive Coaching – Social Media & Management Consulting - Innovative Software Development – Wellness & Well-Being – Spa Feng Shui – Spirituality & Personal Transformation – Love & Relationships – Fundraisers & Community Building – Arts & Entertainment – Sustainable Real Estate Development
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AXIS MAGNA GROUP brings you the leading edge of human potential. With our personal and professional development programs, enlightening arts & entertainment, auspicious design consulting, sustainable urban renewal & redevelopment, and more, we are literally creating HEAVEN on EARTH. Our name means "the great HEART or HUB". An apt title for a conglomerate of teams dedicated to making you feel at home so you can build stronger communities in your corner of the world! We are living in a most exhilarating time in history & want you to regard AXIS MAGNA GROUP as your one-stop shopping, your ultimate resource, for your diverse personal transformation & professional development needs as you go from one rite of passage to another. As this painting by Ken Brown suggests, we are literally evolving from animals to angels, or self-realizing beings.
We share your quest for excellence. Around the world, we are working toward sustainable, economic, and social development. Here at home in the USA, we are caring for individuals, families, communities, and organizations, helping them learn better ways of communicating & growing; for themselves as well as one another.
Every project we take on is dedicated to our collective and individual "Evolution in the 21st Century". We view the solution to most global issues as fundamentally a personal growth & transformation issue to improve plausible strategies & develop more innovative options, starting with "enlightened leadership". We value the future of Planet Earth and the needs of all beings living here. Hence, we provide the products and services which foster personal and professional leadership in a rapidly changing world. Our motto is "Re-Humanize in a Hi-Tech World".
Recognizing the need for individuals and groups to be supported in areas of personal and organizational development, we have evolved into a veritable conglomerate of companies, offering personal & organizational support via diverse products & services, especially our Coaching, Trainings, & Consulting. Additionally, we support specific non-profit efforts for those economically challenged, arts & entertainment projects to stimulate creativity, as well as sustainable real estate development for innovating urban renewal & land use in the New Millennium.
Let us help you and your network discover success & well-being through our training & consulting programs. Contact us to find out how AXIS MAGNA GROUP can take you & your organization to your next level of competency, with our leadership skills that honor the coming generations.
Most Sincerely,
Tereas Ann Foxworthy
Founder & Creative Director
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c 1992-2011 Teresa Ann Foxworthy. All rights reserved.