LOVE in the 21st CENTURY
is the brainchild of Teresa Ann Foxworthy, who has been coaching singles & couples since 1994. She has created more than 200 Personal & Professional Development programs during the last many years & there is something for everyone! Here are some of her programs:
GODDESS RISING SINGLES COACHING & MARRIAGE COUNSELING - Programs for Men & Women who want to learn how to honor the goddess in themselves or their relationships. This page on Facebook helps keep you up to date with our events & coaching programs.
HONORING THE FEMININE - Learn how to deepen your relationships with the wisdom of Goddess Rising. Women around the world need more respect & teach the world about compassion & living life from the heart. This program helps men & women learn about cherishing the feminine. This blog offers many insights into the goddess philosophy.
FENG SHUI for LOVE & ROMANCE - Professional Feng Shui Consulting for Men and Women, married, single, or in-between to assist with the harmony and fulfillment of successful love relationships
ASTROLOGY for LOVERS - Ascertaining compatibility or learning how to better love your Beloved, astrology has been used for millennia to assist the precious hearts & minds of billions
WOMEN WHO LOVE TO FEEL LIKE A GODDESS & THE MEN WHO LOVE TO WORSHIP THEM - Group on Facebook to discuss how women can feel safe exploring their goddess essence & what value “goddess worship” has in today’s world.
EXECUTIVE DATING COACH - Practical support for men and women who are interested in Coaching-by-Phone, Workshops, etc., for goals such as, Dating for Marriage, Dating Your Mate, Healing from Divorce, Online Dating, & other topics. Books, gifts, event planning, and more are included.
DATING FOR MARRIAGE - If your goal is marriage, you'll want to sign up for this one year program. 98% of my clients are engaged or married within a year, if single; and renewing their vows or taking their second honeymoon if married.
SINGLES on the PATH TO THE BELOVED - Programs for Single Men & Women who want to learn how to approach relationship as a spiritual practice for more success with interpersonal relationships
PATH TO THE BELOVED - Programs for Men & Women in a relationship who want to learn how to approach relationship as a spiritual practice for more success with interpersonal relationships
TANTRA YOGA - True tantra is about so much more than sex. White Tantra focuses on spiritual development which is greatly advised before continuing with Red Tantra, which focuses on the sexual practices. Today, there is even Pink Tantra which blends the two.
BHAKTI TANTRA WORLD - The Tantric Princess offers Love & Relationship Advice for those wanting more spiritually conscious relationships. Unlike many contemporary tantric programs, this approach focuses on emotional healing and spiritual development to prepare the student for more advanced tantric techniques which facilitate enduring spiritual enlightenment and well-being.
THE EMERGING GODDESS JOURNEY - Meet other women who are on a goddess path in this group on Facebook.
GODDESS BLISS COACHING FOR WOMEN - Programs for Women including: 365 Ways to Be a Goddess, Goddess Elegance, Feng Shui Your Heart, Throne of Power for Emerging Goddesses
GODDESS MAMA - Rejuvenation for Mothers, Networking for Mothers who like to feel like a Goddess
EVOLVING THE MASCULINE – Fan Page - Programs for Men including: Serving the Goddess, Honoring Your Goddess, Rooting the Mountain, Ride the Tiger, & 365 Ways to Pamper Your Goddess
ALCHEMY OF ATTRACTION - Men will love this program as they learn how to relate & interact better with women. Flirting with your date or your wife can be a lot of fun for you both & actually encourage greater emotional intimacy.
EVOLVING THE MASCULINE – Facebook Group - Meet other men who are on a conscious path of awakening & share your insights or learn about their experiences, successes, & challenges doing so.
" Choose the direction of your Heart's blossoming! "
c 1992-2011 Teresa Ann Foxworthy. All rights reserved. Fax: 415.289.2213